VB-Semi Air digital control unit



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VB-SemiAir digital control unit



What’s new?
This new innovation controls your auxiliary air suspension system digitally, both visually (on the screen) and technically (with a digital control unit connected to our ‘VB-SACU’, which controls the compressor). Previously, the compressor was controlled directly in a mechanical/pneumatic way with our control panels.

Of course, this digitalisation process has a major visual advantage: it simply looks a lot better on your dashboard. You can also position this digital control unit wherever you want, provided that you follow a number of guidelines.




Another great advantage is the ability to receive notifications and access the history. In addition, you can personalise the entire system exactly the way you like it. This allows you to set your personal preferences for screen brightness, how certain units are shown, and the display time (i.e. how long your screen is on).




Why digital?

A digital system is better for several reasons, including:



  • It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a suitable place for our control panels in new vehicles.
  • Sacrificing the already limited space to our control panels is becoming less and less desirable.
  • The digital system is more visually appealing.
  • The digital system is more user-friendly.
  • There is no need to have air tubes running through the dashboard anymore.


The future
In the future, we will no longer design mechanical/pneumatic control panels for our kits: the new kits will always include the new digital control unit.