Autotrail Apache Twin Lens Reversing Camera
AutoTrail Apache 2018 Reversing Camera
Like many of these camera systems they give a poor view for the end user. We installed our Twin lens reversing camera system which gives to perfect views for driving and reversing. Our customer had been having trouble with their single lens camera that was factory fitted to their van from new.
Our twin lens reversing camera comes with two cameras one pointing outwards toward the traffic behind you whilst driving and the other camera pointing downward toward the bumper area when the reverse gear is selected.
The twin lens camera system comes with a 7″ mirror mounted monitor keeping the view in eyeline and the dash clear of monitors. In some instance the dash has to be the place where the monitor is situated due to certain vehile types not being able to house a windscreen monitor.
The rear view whilst in driving mode
The view in reverse gear (This image was slightly blurred due to the camera focus not the overall reverse image)
If a new reversing camera is something you wish to discuss then please do not hesitate to get in touch.